Article 44 Passes At Town Meeting!

Many thanks to the hundreds of Concordians who came out to vote at town meeting last night. The passage of Article 44 is a positive first step in having the NRC to use science and real data in their decisions concerning dog walking off-leash in the woods. We hope that there will be a more careful and thoughtful look at the overall impact of these decisions. This two year moratorium should be very helpful and allow for the concerns of all users to be considered. Thank you again for showing you care and for taking the time to participate in one of the oldest forms of democracy!

A very apropos blog in Scientific American: The March for Evidence

Article 44 is a non binding request asking the NRC to refrain from imposing any off-leash restrictions for a two year period. The passage of Article 44 at town meeting is critical for maintaining off-leash dog privileges. It sends a very clear message that our local government’s actions need to be based on real data and applicable science, otherwise, we do not accept them. This two year period will allow for us (and NRC) to collect real data pertinent to this decision. The spirit and intent of the Article is to open a dialogue with the town, in the hopes of finding a more acceptable scientific and fact based response.