Post July 27 NRC Meeting Update

Good news for all petition signers and those who enjoy walks in the woods with their dogs unleashed! The NRC has backed off on requiring leashes and is instead putting together a one-year trial plan of off leash use with guidelines TBD. Basically they will be instituting what we had been advocating for all along: trash receptacles, etiquette guidelines (posted and a pamphlet given at the dog license office) as well as involvement with the dog community to assist in creating a conscientious culture.

The details have yet to be worked out and there is still lots of work ahead, but it appears cooler heads prevailed and they have decided to try less restrictive measures first. However, it is still extremely important (as always) to adhere to good pet-etiquette behavior and practice… following the basic “Canine Commandments”. Pick up waste, leash up around others and keep them under voice control and in sight.

The word “responsible” was frequently used last night as well as the notion of “buy-in”. The NRC wants to be certain that any upcoming regulations are agreed upon by the dog owning public. Without our support, they will have little effect. I have total faith in our community, as I know so many personally and have seen us come together before. Although there is still much to be decided, and another meeting TBD this fall, the bottom line is good, with the leash restrictions now off the table. Thank you everyone for your support, signing the petition, writing letters, and attending the NRC meetings. I seriously doubt that this would have been accomplished without everyone coming together. Enjoy the rest of your summer… off leash!